Launch Your Dream Mission Into The World ~ Make Sales!

Author: Betty Withrow (Page 1 of 2)

Your Checklist for Online Effectiveness

Great marketing is all about having a multi-faceted approach to reaching your market.

These tools will give you the visibility to get found and show people your value so that by the time they contact you, they already know who you are, what you are about, and how you can solve the problems they have.

  • A great website with high-value opt-in. 
    It shows your skills and speaks to your market with regular updates to the site.
  • Keywords placed well in the site.
  • Google Business Profile
  • Apple Business Listing (for Apple Maps)
  • YouTube Channel
  • Blog or newsletter posting at least twice a month on social media, your site, and Google Business Page.
  • LinkedIn profile that is current and lists your skills and experience relevant to the clients you want to attract.
  • Business page on LinkedIn
  • Facebook profile that relates to your business.
  • Business page on Facebook.
  • Instagram,
  • Pinterest
  • TicToc

Who is your target market?

Which of these is most in tune with the way your customers communicate?

What do you offer for results and testimonials?

How easy is it for people to get in touch with you?

We offer the very best in comprehensive marketing strategies for your business.

What would be most effective for you?

Ask us.

We can put you at the top.

Sound good?

Would you like to up your game and
make the most of the possibilities for online marketing?
Find out where you really stand with
a consultation at NO COST TO YOU!

Use coupon code FREEREVIEW to get review and recommendations from Greg Dixon, Betty Withrow, and Roy Dickan.

What You Can Do With the Right Support

You can do just about anything with the right support. With the support of an experienced pilot and an airline crew, all the staff at the different airports, and the navigation systems they use, you can step off the ground in North America and land in Asia, or Europe. Did you get there all by yourself? Of course not. It’s the same with any big project. There are a lot of moving parts, some visible, some not. 

The support you get, and the quality of that support, determine what results you get.

I’m part of a great team. I support businesses in getting their communication needs met. You may want to put together a book. Or maybe you need some videos for your website, your landing pages, your social media. Or maybe you need some content written for your audience. Maybe you want to build a course and market it, or maybe you want to get your online presence maximized. Or all of these…

Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? Your marketing can take many forms. Which one is the best? Just thinking about it all can be overwhelming. There’s a better way…collaboration and teamwork. Taking the experts and putting together the right strategies is what we are all about at Total Traffic and Conversion.

It’s teamwork that makes it happen the right way.

With the support of my collaboration team, I can tell you with complete confidence that you can get any of these things done and done well. We work together to create the best strategies for your business, and market for you effectively, so you can get back to doing what you do best, running your business.

Don’t spin your wheels and waste money on figuring out what to do by trial and error. Book some time with us and let’s figure out what to do, and let’s do it. Your business can flourish with the right support. We’re here to make that happen.

What Is Your Brand All About?

When you set out in business, you begin to build a brand.  The mark you use, even the name of your company and it structure may change.  You may get into a completely different kind of business.  As you move along, lots of things change, but one common thread unites them all: you.  Who you are, the way you do things, the way you relate, that is what forms your brand.

The results you achieve in your business for your customers of clients are essential in the process, but what brings it all together?  Your brand.  How often have you heard it said that people are not buying the things you sell, the service you provide, they are buying YOU.  That may sound like an oversimplification but if you really think about it, how many others are offering something very similar to what you offer?  Why should the choose you?  It’s because your brand message worked for them, and they are ready to go on the journey with you.

The message you give your prospects about what it will be like to work with you is what makes them say Yes to your offer.

Your brand may be focused on fast results, or efficient processes.  If you are in a market that serves corporate customers, that’s a great thing to use in positioning your brand.  How fast can you deliver?  Are you always able to complete offers on time?  What kind of systems do you use to keep in touch and make sure things are done right? That speaks to your level of organization and the coordinated way your process runs.

Or maybe your brand has a more local clientele, focused on small businesses and their needs.  In that case, your brand is better off emphasizing the personal way you interact with business owners and their communities.  You check in with your people often to find out what’s going on in their worlds, they kinds of promotions they may be doing, the civic activities they engage in.  And you show up for them, giving direct support, discounts, whatever is going to make it clear that you are ready to give the local business the service it wants and needs to be successful.

Then again, maybe you offer direct services to your customers, one on one.  That’s when your brand really is defined by the way you interact with the people you serve every day.  Your brand, and your business is all about connecting with people in a very direct way, serving their needs and getting to know them very well.

Your brand is not your logo, your PR campaign, your process.  Your brand is YOU and the way you apply each of these things to your success.  How do you define success in your marketplace?  You can position yourself effectively in the market that you serve, focusing on just that and not on everything else.  You find the niche where your brand can really flourish, and stay there to grow your brand and your business.

If you are ready to discover the best path and practices for your brand, to take your business to a whole new level using proven strategies, and you want a team of experts that can show you exactly how to make that a reality, working directly with you to achieve the results you want, visit and step into success.

What Do You Want This to Do?

The very first question I ask when we’re talking about a project is “What do you want this to do?”  It’s easy to get stuck on the form of things, but the function is really the crux of the matter.  Once we have identified the exact purpose of your project, we can begin to design the structure.

My brand is called the Writer’s Launchpad for more than one reason.  I have a number of rocket scientists in my family, and I like the way that aerodynamics and writing share so many characteristics, so I got into the metaphor.

For example, the payload corresponds to the question above.  What is the purpose of this mission?  How are we going to get that message to where it wants to go?  And most important, what do we want it to do when it gets there?

When we know the answers to those questions, we can begin making up the process to get it to happen.  My father worked in different aspects of rocket work, and one of the things he did was to design gantries to support the rockets before liftoff. The gantry is only one part of the process, an essential one until that one moment of liftoff. Once the rocket leaves the surface, the gantry falls away and it’s no longer part of the process.  It’s all about the payload.  As the message moves forward, it is focused on the outcomes, not the process.

We never forget the mission, that is, the outcome, as we design the process.  Who do you want to reach?  How do you want them to realize your message?  And what will they gain from your message?  These three questions are the basis of everything else.

So, it’s not about the launchpad, it’s not about the rocket.  It’s about the payload. 

How do we make your message resonate with your audience after it’s received?  How do we make it the one that motivates them to take that specific action that you have stated when you answered that question?  That’s the process I go through with you when we work together.

“What do you want this to do?”  Book, blog, article, personal presentation, each has a place in the mission to create your business success.

Understanding what your desired outcome is makes designing that success a simple and elegant process.

Heading into the Great Space means getting ready for unlimited opportunities.  Know where you are going before you take off, and we’ll get you there.

It Really Does Make A Difference

My teachers in school used to tell me great truths, in small bites.    I loved having these little sayings to reflect on. I guess it was because the real truths are so simple.  The more complicated written ideas get, the easier it is to have them go down the wrong path.

My rhetoric mentor, Mrs. Shelby, had a way of keeping us on track and not letting us get stuck in our own ideas.  There was constant reading, writing, and discussions about ideas in her classroom.  No sloppy thinking or writing was tolerated.  I used to wonder how she got through so many assignments each night, as ruthless as she was in pointing out any weak points in a paper. We were required to read from magazines and periodicals, write up a paper based on the article, and make comments about what we had read, stating a position about the topic of the day. If you didn’t have a good reasoning process involved in your argument, you were in trouble.  That blue pencil could put me in tears, and sometimes it did.

She held us to a high standard, and she told us certain things every time we were in a discussion.

My favorite one of all is this one: “Truth lies in fine distinctions.”

When you think about the way life really works, this one saying can take you through an awful lot.  Situations that at first glance seem cut and dried can take on new dimensions when you are ready to take a nuanced approach and see more sides of them.  You find that your own point of view evolves as you examine the factors that led to things being the way they are.  And you start to see that the way they appeared at first is only one part of the story.  How did that person find that they believed they needed to do that certain thing in that certain way?  What led this process or that to the point where conditions evolved or devolved to create the situation that we see now?

It does make a difference, the way you frame the question.  The way the question is framed determines what range of possibilities you are ready to entertain.  What more evidence are you ready to consider? Whose point of view is valued more than another person’s, and why? How can you change your point of view to learn more and find a deeper truth that is hidden by appearances?

These questions are at the heart of writing, and they are at the heart of the work I do with writers.  When I am working on a life narrative, or a work of fiction, I look deep into what motivated the characters.  In a business book, I want to know all about the processes we are describing so that I can support the author, or write the book for that busy executive.  Truth lies in fine distinctions.

It’s the subtle differences in the way we frame the questions that reveal the realities of life.

As a writing coach, editor, and ghost writer, I find it fascinating how ideas evolve during our processes. 

If you’d like to know more about what I do and how I do it, use my schedule link to set a time for a complimentary consultation and see if we are a good fit for each other.

Reach Out and Connect

“Gee, it’s been a long time.  Oh, you’re wondering about that idea we discussed? Actually, I did put that project together (with someone else).”  These are words you don’t want to hear, as a business owner.  What if, instead, you heard “Oh, it’s great to hear from you!  I was just thinking about the last time we talked, and I have an idea.  I’m so glad you called/emailed/texted.”  Two completely different ways for a conversation to begin.

Of course, you want people to remember you…and yet you don’t want to bug them.  At least, that’s the thing you tell yourself that stops you from reaching out.  Is it too soon?  Is it too late?  Both of these ideas are actually excuses.  There are other ways to look at this. 

I wrote a book about excuses called “The Essential Excuse Handbook: 77 Ways to Keep From Doing Anything At All.” (It’s on Amazon.) In it, I discuss all the different “reasons” people have for not writing their books, and in fact these same excuses apply to literally Anything At All, including getting in touch with people for business conversations.  How is business done? By connections, of course.  How to keep them lively and productive?  By staying in touch.

Here is Excuse #23: “It’s too soon.”

You are scared!  That’s why you think it’s too soon.  It may actually be a little early, yet it is not too early to begin planning.  Even though as Eisenhower said, “Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable”, you can use the time to observe and make mental experiments.  By observing what’s happening for that person and their company, you can add value to the next conversation.  It shows you care. That’s planning, keeping the possibilities open so that plans can appear.

There is no ideal time for anything, so ask yourself again, “What makes me think it’s too soon?” Think of the interval as a time for planning.

Then there’s Excuse #24: “It’s too late.”

That’s regret, one of the greatest burdens in life.  Drop it! Think about the knowledge you gained the last time you contacted the person, about their style, their values, their needs.  Is it really too late?  Maybe, or maybe not.  How will you know if you don’t reach out? If it truly is too late for that person, then think of another person or company, use what you learned, and start over.  It’s never too late to start over.

Here’s the antidote for all of it: to be the person that people are glad to see, happy to hear from.  Reach out with curiosity, not from need.  Be ready to learn from every conversation.  Think carefully, and don’t overthink it.  Listen to your intuition and your gut feelings and find the balance.  When in doubt, go ahead and reach out.

And, that next time you reach out could be the one where that person says, “Thanks so much for staying in touch, it means so much to me.”

Your Credibility Is On the Line

The one thing you absolutely must do in your business…create and maintain your credibility. Without that, nothing else you can do is going to work. 

How do you build credibility?  Simple, by walking the talk, by doing what you say you will do.  It’s about being who you say you are.

You build credibility by having answers, and by being honest about what to do when you don’t have them, by referring people to a source that does have the answers, instead of pretending that you have them and making it up as you go.

Integrity and all that it means in human interaction is the key for your success. Integrity is the one thing that when you have it, nothing else matters. 

If you don’t have it, nothing else matters. It has been said that one good customer interaction gets talked about three times, but one bad one gets talked about ten times.

Yes, publicity is what you want, and you want it to be the right kind.

Have you had the experience of doing business with someone who did now show up as they said they would, and then wanted to blame you for the results they didn’t get?  What happened after that?

This can happen when clear expectations are not set at the beginning of the transaction or relationship, and then down the road, things don’t go as planned, and everybody feels disappointed.

There’s something to learn, here.  This one lesson can be the thing that takes you to a level you have been wanting to go, and the lack of being clear kept you from going there.

How do you avoid having this experience again?  Have an open discussion with your prospects.  If they seem to be too busy to really go over what is needed, ask for another meeting before making a commitment. 

Don’t take on something that doesn’t have clear expectations and roles set out from the start.  Be very sure that you have what it takes for the deliverables, and that everybody involved in the process knows exactly what those deliverables are. You will deliver the results hoped for, and your customers/clients will appreciate the time it took to work out the process from the start.

Good systems make smooth operations, and smooth operations make for repeat business. That’s the name of the game, after all. With true credibility, you are ready to go the distance, and to expand your horizons, taking your clients with you.

Our team of experts knows how to look at what you are doing now, and make clear and specific recommendations for how to take your business all the way. We have the knowledge of how systems work and how to integrate them into a smooth-running process that will be effective for you and for your business.

Would you like to be at the top of Page One on Google?

Want your YouTube presence to pop and bring you in new clients while you sleep?  Need a book for your brand?  It’s all part of a system that will take you further faster than any other synergy around.  We have the skillsets and the teamwork that makes it happen simply and efficiently.

Nobody ever launched a rocket all by themselves.  Know your team.

It starts with a complimentary consultation.

Show Your Clients the Best Path

You have experience in your business, and the knowledge that the experience gives you makes you able to choose the right path for your potential clients and customers.  You see what their needs are.

Maybe you did an analysis of what’s going on the business before you made your proposal, and you have a confident forecast of what results would be based on this or that path of action.  That’s what you are being hired to do, after all: to understand the needs of a business from a different perspective that the person who runs it is going to have.

A business relationship presupposes that you are going to have that knowledge and that orientation.  Ideally, that is.  Of course that is not always the case.

Have you ever had a situation with a client that went bad?  It’s one of those learning experiences that in the end give you a better understanding of your process and of your client’s needs, and you may or may not keep the client.  What makes the difference between those two outcomes may be the way that the expectations were stated or managed.

It sometimes happens that a prospect comes into a discussion with an idea that is wildly unrealistic, and you know it, based on your own experience.  Now, it’s time to educate that person before you find yourself in a position that sets both of you up for failure.  YOU can save the relationship and the business by pointing out what it is about their idea that does not work.  It can be tricky to do this if there’s a lot of emotion invested in the idea.  If it’s already a “pet idea”, maybe the client won’t listen to you.  Maybe they will conflate one process with another.

How do you overcome this?  By being consistent in your professional approach.  You can point out that there isn’t enough time for that promotion to be successful, it’s too late to launch it for this part of the season, or that the market they have chosen for it is the wrong one.

Set out the project in writing with clear goals and objectives.  Timelines, deadlines, income targets…all of these make for a real and measurable outcome to be described and achieved.

Bringing your own knowledge of how processes actually work can go a long way toward smoothing out bad situations.  Educating your clients is the best kind of service.  It helps both you and them to set realistic expectations and goals that can be achieved in a timely manner.

My own experience tells me that with teamwork, everything gets better.  I’m on a great team, working with a Google Expert and a veteran video producer to serve my clients in taking it all the way…Our team has the tools and knowledge to create projects that succeed for your marketing needs.  We offer a variety of services for bringing your business to the top level, from online marketing, to content creation and video production.

Wasting Money On Advertising?

You have an advertising budget, and something comes along that seems like a good idea.  People are saying it’s the trend, it’s the way to do it, and so on. 

Is it really?  As an entrepreneur, I feel that often by the time you are being told to do something by the guru class, it’s already obsolete.  Staying in the forefront by doing integrated marketing with a long-haul strategy is not only far more effective, it’s a lot less nerve-wracking, so the precious resources of your business can go to the places they need to go.

“The latest thing”…It’s the trend. Time for a new learning curve…Worse than that, everybody else is doing it, and then today’s “trend” becomes tomorrow’s “oh, not that again.”  People rush to and from different platforms, using different types of gimmicks or jargon, and then they look at the results.  Disappointing.  There goes that money again…

The truth is, that a very large percentage of money (some say 90%) that is spent on advertising is actually wasted because it’s not part of an integrated strategy, a long-haul approach. In today’s digital marketplace, the different elements of your marketing all need to fit together and amplify each other.  If they don’t, you and your money are part of the 90%. 

Your website needs to be not only attractive when people visit it, but it needs to be the destination that all of your marketing supports.  Landing pages, videos, all of the things you now need to happen, all are just the lights to lead people through the forest of the digital landscape to the bright clearing that is your website, to start a conversation with you.

We all know that content is what drives web traffic, what keeps people interested in you and your brand.  Blogs, videos, podcast interviews, social media, each of these has a place in your strategy.  How is your content created, where is it posted, how is it integrated into your long-haul approach?  If you don’t know the answers to these questions, click on our offer of a free self-assessment and get some information to start being more strategic, and stop throwing money up against the wall hoping something will stick.

We have a team of experts who can work with you to create a strategy that will take you to the top of your niche market and keep you there.  It doesn’t happen in one day, or one month.  But it does happen, because between the members of our team, we have the skills to take you where you want to go.

January 16 Discussion

LinkedIn Articles for Visibility


LinkedIn Newsletters for Visiblity

There are lots of ways to show up on social media for business.  Over time, LinkedIn has shown its value as a place to connect and find information and inspiration in a way that is unique.  The themes that run through content on the platform are uplifting. 

When I am networking online, which I do a lot, I always ask people if they use LinkedIn and ask to connect with them there if I want to stay in touch. 

For years, I have written blogs and articles for my business using online sites, and I like to write a lot of content all at once that shows a theme and gives me a variety of content that I can use as the year continues.

In early 2022, I was disappointed to find that Blogger, which I had used since 2013, was not allowing me to upload photos.  And then another online e-zine platform was not functioning, either.  What was I to do?  I had already started writing my weekly posts and had over twenty completed.

I then found out about LinkedIn newsletters, from someone I met in a network. At the time, creator mode was pretty new.  I was so happy to find that switching on creator mode gave me a range of options, and I decided this was the place for my content.  I do post it other places, too, but with LinkedIn I have a place that my articles are promoted by the platform itself and archived so readers can see more of what I do. The first week that I put out the newsletter, I had a whole lot of new subscribers because LinkedIn told them I had a newsletter now.

When my content turns up on someone’s feed, there’s a button for them to subscribe if they haven’t already. And, just to make it even better, those who subscribe are getting my articles sent to their inboxes as soon as I post them.  What’s not to love about this?  Back links to my website, resources for my readers, invitations to book an appointment, all can be put in at various moments as calls to action.

You can start a LinkedIn newsletter just as easily.  go to your profile page and scroll down until you see the words “Creator mode”.  Toggle the little button to “on”, and you then will see that you have options of what to do next. When you do this, people who visit your profile will “follow” you instead of connecting.  You can still connect with them if you so choose.  They may see the option to connect under the “More” tab on your profile.

Then, from your home page, you will see that you can post as usual, or write an article. Click on “Article”, and you have a template that is simple to use, with an option to upload a photo.  Add your title and content, and click Publish. that’s it!

What does this do for you?  It gives you credibility and a larger audience.  You will reach people all over the world.

It gives you continuity in the minds of your readers, and it allows you to share your ideas with them, so they feel that they know you.  They think about the ideas you share, and it starts a conversation with you in their minds. These are the steps for connecting with the people who will want to work with you, since they have been digesting your thought processes through your content.  If you don’t want to write content, or don’t have the time to do it, but you do want to have a newsletter, I can take care of that for you.

Book a time to talk with me about your ideas, and let’s make them realities.

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