The very first question I ask when we’re talking about a project is “What do you want this to do?”  It’s easy to get stuck on the form of things, but the function is really the crux of the matter.  Once we have identified the exact purpose of your project, we can begin to design the structure.

My brand is called the Writer’s Launchpad for more than one reason.  I have a number of rocket scientists in my family, and I like the way that aerodynamics and writing share so many characteristics, so I got into the metaphor.

For example, the payload corresponds to the question above.  What is the purpose of this mission?  How are we going to get that message to where it wants to go?  And most important, what do we want it to do when it gets there?

When we know the answers to those questions, we can begin making up the process to get it to happen.  My father worked in different aspects of rocket work, and one of the things he did was to design gantries to support the rockets before liftoff. The gantry is only one part of the process, an essential one until that one moment of liftoff. Once the rocket leaves the surface, the gantry falls away and it’s no longer part of the process.  It’s all about the payload.  As the message moves forward, it is focused on the outcomes, not the process.

We never forget the mission, that is, the outcome, as we design the process.  Who do you want to reach?  How do you want them to realize your message?  And what will they gain from your message?  These three questions are the basis of everything else.

So, it’s not about the launchpad, it’s not about the rocket.  It’s about the payload. 

How do we make your message resonate with your audience after it’s received?  How do we make it the one that motivates them to take that specific action that you have stated when you answered that question?  That’s the process I go through with you when we work together.

“What do you want this to do?”  Book, blog, article, personal presentation, each has a place in the mission to create your business success.

Understanding what your desired outcome is makes designing that success a simple and elegant process.

Heading into the Great Space means getting ready for unlimited opportunities.  Know where you are going before you take off, and we’ll get you there.