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Category: LinkedIn

Build Your Online Presence from 0 to 100 in 7 Days When Launching or Relaunching Your Business

We have had good success promoting concerts and theatre productions by establishing a landing page, related YouTube and Social Media channels, and doing a series of promotional posts related to the event.

Going from Zero (the venue is booked) to One Hundred (Sold Out) can happen fast.

The same can apply to launching an online business or promoting a brick-and-mortar store online.

For our discussion today, let’s look at a retail store my brother is considering for Merritt, British Columbia.

The Merritt Unliquor Store

There is a trend towards bars and stores that sell non-alcoholic versions of beer, wine, liquors, and cocktails.

My brother has not been drinking for nearly twenty years. Most of my school friends are in some form of twelve-step program.

The appeal is that they can have fun exploring craft beers and drinks without the hangover and other side effects.

I had some friends who thought (discernment is the first thing to go) that it would be a good idea to order round after round of cocktails by color: ‘Hey, surprise us with something that is blue. Now yellow. Now red …’

Not a good idea. For some, the evening ended in a rainbow explosion worthy of The Exorcist!

The Unliquor Store offers a way to try fun drinks without the booze.

Launching Online

Every business benefits from having a strong online presence.

What we are outlining today is a plan to create and boost the online presence of The Merritt Unliquor Store for the grand opening.

The Marketing Framework

What we are building is the foundation for the launch and ongoing promotions of the business.

The essential components include:

  1. A Website/Landing Page with a Blog
    This will be the target destination for most of the promotions.
    The registered domain name will be used everywhere for promotion.
    The blog posts will both fuel the traffic and behave as individual landing pages.
  2. Mailing List Tools
    An early and ongoing goal of marketing is to build a mailing list to keep your clients engaged and let them know about special offers and events.
    The first thing to put on a Home page is subscribe button.
  3. Business Profiles
    Since we are talking about a business with a physical address, getting listed on Google and Apple Maps can drive a lot of business to your store.
  4. Social Media Profiles
    We will profiles for LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TicToc, and others to promote the business and create communities of raving fans.
  5. YouTube Channel
    YouTube is a fabulous place to feature your store and get quick presence in searches.
  6. Launch with 7 Pieces of Promotional Content For The Launch
    A keyword optimized landing page that is submitted to the search engines plus seven or more posts (on all of the channels) about your business over a week can create a dominating online presence.
  7. Paid Boosts
    Boost or ads designed to build subscribers and followers can build a community quicky. $40 for a targeted ad on Facebook can get your business in front of your ideal customer fast!

Continuous Marketing

The success of the launch an be sustained over time with regular posting campaigns. Plan to put out at least three posts a week.

Our Business Launch Special

Our Total Traffic and Conversion Team can implement the marketing foundation and run the launch campaign for your business.

We can also continue to work with you to sustain your success and grow your business.

Let’s chat!

LinkedIn Articles for Visibility


LinkedIn Newsletters for Visiblity

There are lots of ways to show up on social media for business.  Over time, LinkedIn has shown its value as a place to connect and find information and inspiration in a way that is unique.  The themes that run through content on the platform are uplifting. 

When I am networking online, which I do a lot, I always ask people if they use LinkedIn and ask to connect with them there if I want to stay in touch. 

For years, I have written blogs and articles for my business using online sites, and I like to write a lot of content all at once that shows a theme and gives me a variety of content that I can use as the year continues.

In early 2022, I was disappointed to find that Blogger, which I had used since 2013, was not allowing me to upload photos.  And then another online e-zine platform was not functioning, either.  What was I to do?  I had already started writing my weekly posts and had over twenty completed.

I then found out about LinkedIn newsletters, from someone I met in a network. At the time, creator mode was pretty new.  I was so happy to find that switching on creator mode gave me a range of options, and I decided this was the place for my content.  I do post it other places, too, but with LinkedIn I have a place that my articles are promoted by the platform itself and archived so readers can see more of what I do. The first week that I put out the newsletter, I had a whole lot of new subscribers because LinkedIn told them I had a newsletter now.

When my content turns up on someone’s feed, there’s a button for them to subscribe if they haven’t already. And, just to make it even better, those who subscribe are getting my articles sent to their inboxes as soon as I post them.  What’s not to love about this?  Back links to my website, resources for my readers, invitations to book an appointment, all can be put in at various moments as calls to action.

You can start a LinkedIn newsletter just as easily.  go to your profile page and scroll down until you see the words “Creator mode”.  Toggle the little button to “on”, and you then will see that you have options of what to do next. When you do this, people who visit your profile will “follow” you instead of connecting.  You can still connect with them if you so choose.  They may see the option to connect under the “More” tab on your profile.

Then, from your home page, you will see that you can post as usual, or write an article. Click on “Article”, and you have a template that is simple to use, with an option to upload a photo.  Add your title and content, and click Publish. that’s it!

What does this do for you?  It gives you credibility and a larger audience.  You will reach people all over the world.

It gives you continuity in the minds of your readers, and it allows you to share your ideas with them, so they feel that they know you.  They think about the ideas you share, and it starts a conversation with you in their minds. These are the steps for connecting with the people who will want to work with you, since they have been digesting your thought processes through your content.  If you don’t want to write content, or don’t have the time to do it, but you do want to have a newsletter, I can take care of that for you.

Book a time to talk with me about your ideas, and let’s make them realities.

LinkedIn Newsletters and Other Strategies For Online Effectiveness

LinkedIn is one of the first places people look when deciding to do business with you.

Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon broadcasted a short discussion on how to optimize your use of LinkedIn, especially the advantages of LinkedIn Newsletters.

LinkedIn offers many features to help you look good. Here are some things to check:

  1. You have a good photo of yourself on your profile.
  2. The background images is attractive and appropriate.
  3. Your introduction clearly describes what you offer now, not what your focus was a year or so ago.
  4. The contact information includes a website and ways to contact you.
  5. Your experiences section is current.
  6. You have recent posts that showcase what you do.
  7. You have a Featured Section. 8) You are using the audio introduction feature.
  8. You are using the Video introduction feature.
  9. More features ….

LinkedIn Posting Parties

One of the best ways to leverage your LinkedIn profile is to have LinkedIn posting parties where you comment, like, and share each other’s posts so that LinkedIn shows the posts to more people in response to the engagement.

Cathy Weaver and Mike Tel Toro have an amazing LinkedIn posting party on Monday mornings at 8 am Pacific.

Here is a recent one streamed to Facebook that has fabulous advice on optimizing your LinkedIn presence.

LinkedIn Newsletters

As Betty Withrow said in the video, there are many benefits to creating a LinkedIn Newsletter.

Here is a short tutorial.

How Is Your Online Presence?

Please use our Free Online Effectiveness Review to see how you are doing.