LinkedIn is one of the first places people look when deciding to do business with you.

Betty Withrow and Greg Dixon broadcasted a short discussion on how to optimize your use of LinkedIn, especially the advantages of LinkedIn Newsletters.

LinkedIn offers many features to help you look good. Here are some things to check:

  1. You have a good photo of yourself on your profile.
  2. The background images is attractive and appropriate.
  3. Your introduction clearly describes what you offer now, not what your focus was a year or so ago.
  4. The contact information includes a website and ways to contact you.
  5. Your experiences section is current.
  6. You have recent posts that showcase what you do.
  7. You have a Featured Section. 8) You are using the audio introduction feature.
  8. You are using the Video introduction feature.
  9. More features ….

LinkedIn Posting Parties

One of the best ways to leverage your LinkedIn profile is to have LinkedIn posting parties where you comment, like, and share each other’s posts so that LinkedIn shows the posts to more people in response to the engagement.

Cathy Weaver and Mike Tel Toro have an amazing LinkedIn posting party on Monday mornings at 8 am Pacific.

Here is a recent one streamed to Facebook that has fabulous advice on optimizing your LinkedIn presence.

LinkedIn Newsletters

As Betty Withrow said in the video, there are many benefits to creating a LinkedIn Newsletter.

Here is a short tutorial.

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