When you set out in business, you begin to build a brand.  The mark you use, even the name of your company and it structure may change.  You may get into a completely different kind of business.  As you move along, lots of things change, but one common thread unites them all: you.  Who you are, the way you do things, the way you relate, that is what forms your brand.

The results you achieve in your business for your customers of clients are essential in the process, but what brings it all together?  Your brand.  How often have you heard it said that people are not buying the things you sell, the service you provide, they are buying YOU.  That may sound like an oversimplification but if you really think about it, how many others are offering something very similar to what you offer?  Why should the choose you?  It’s because your brand message worked for them, and they are ready to go on the journey with you.

The message you give your prospects about what it will be like to work with you is what makes them say Yes to your offer.

Your brand may be focused on fast results, or efficient processes.  If you are in a market that serves corporate customers, that’s a great thing to use in positioning your brand.  How fast can you deliver?  Are you always able to complete offers on time?  What kind of systems do you use to keep in touch and make sure things are done right? That speaks to your level of organization and the coordinated way your process runs.

Or maybe your brand has a more local clientele, focused on small businesses and their needs.  In that case, your brand is better off emphasizing the personal way you interact with business owners and their communities.  You check in with your people often to find out what’s going on in their worlds, they kinds of promotions they may be doing, the civic activities they engage in.  And you show up for them, giving direct support, discounts, whatever is going to make it clear that you are ready to give the local business the service it wants and needs to be successful.

Then again, maybe you offer direct services to your customers, one on one.  That’s when your brand really is defined by the way you interact with the people you serve every day.  Your brand, and your business is all about connecting with people in a very direct way, serving their needs and getting to know them very well.

Your brand is not your logo, your PR campaign, your process.  Your brand is YOU and the way you apply each of these things to your success.  How do you define success in your marketplace?  You can position yourself effectively in the market that you serve, focusing on just that and not on everything else.  You find the niche where your brand can really flourish, and stay there to grow your brand and your business.

If you are ready to discover the best path and practices for your brand, to take your business to a whole new level using proven strategies, and you want a team of experts that can show you exactly how to make that a reality, working directly with you to achieve the results you want, visit

http://www.totaltrafficandconversion.com/ and step into success.