The Total Traffic and Conversion Way is to build a solid online presence and boost your audience through content such as websites, blog posts, social media posts, email campaigns, and YouTube videos.
Conversion Alchemy is an AI-driven tool that collects qualified lead information from searches and website visits.
Our usual practice is to subscribe the leads to an email sequence that provides information about you , your business, and your offer.
All components can be coordinated to engage clients and have them engage with your business.
Then they ensure that your website, blogs, social media, email, and video channels effectively present that message.
Roy Dickan specializes in SEO and website effectiveness to ensure you optimize search traffic. Roy also helps with your business profiles to use maps to drive traffic to your physical locations.
Greg Dixon and Betty Withrow coordinate a comprehensive content marketing strategy to position your practice as THE BEST CHOICE.
Roy has an AI tool called Conversion Alchemy that actively captures leads from people looking for your services.
We tie it all together to create a powerful marketing machine for your practice.
Perfect for dentists, doctors, lawyers, real estate professionals, consultants, and more.
Book a call with us to see how we can help your practice.
A good ad campaign that drives traffic to an offer that converts can become an incredible cash machine.
Our guest, Joe Mendez, has an intriguing advertising platform to try where you only pay for results.
Before you do any advertising, you need to be able to receive clients.
By that, I mean that you need to have a product or service that people are willing to pay for presented compellingly.
Our Total Traffic and Conversion Way lays a framework for success for comprehensive traffic-generating strategies, including:
A compelling search engine-friendly website featuring the main offer you would advertise.
Strong social media and YouTube profiles.
Mailing list.
Campaign to send email and post regularly.
Connecting with influencers, and referrers.
Speaking on stages and broadcasts (podcasts, streams, radio, television)
Advertising can accelerate your success and light up sales fast.
Here are some places to advertise:
Facebook and other social media ads.
Google and YouTube ads.
Print media.
Radio and Television.
Apps and Games
Our Total Traffic and Conversion team members have had experience and success with some of these advertising platforms.
It is also possible to spend a lot of money with near zero results if you do not have something people will buy, are not ready to receive, or put money and time into the wrong advertising campaigns for your business.
Our guest, Joe Mendez, has a lot of experience in the advertising industry and has a platform called perkpay that only charges its members for advertising that generates sales.
Are your marketing assets like websites, LinkedIn profiles, Facebook pages, and mailing campaigns effectively presenting your brand and current offers?
Or are they missing or out of date?
The first step is to renovate these assets to present consistent and effective messaging to make you the best choice.
Are your various assets presenting and consistent message for you and are connected in some way?
Or are they islands of information that only tell a fraction of the story?
We use Integrated Marketing strategies to have all of the assets work together to multiply the effectiveness.
1 + 1 + 1 = 111
Almost always there is more we can do to expand your reach and strengthen your online presence and connections.
You can do just about anything with the right support. With the support of an experienced pilot and an airline crew, all the staff at the different airports, and the navigation systems they use, you can step off the ground in North America and land in Asia, or Europe. Did you get there all by yourself? Of course not. It’s the same with any big project. There are a lot of moving parts, some visible, some not.
The support you get, and the quality of that support, determine what results you get.
I’m part of a great team. I support businesses in getting their communication needs met. You may want to put together a book. Or maybe you need some videos for your website, your landing pages, your social media. Or maybe you need some content written for your audience. Maybe you want to build a course and market it, or maybe you want to get your online presence maximized. Or all of these…
Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? Your marketing can take many forms. Which one is the best? Just thinking about it all can be overwhelming. There’s a better way…collaboration and teamwork. Taking the experts and putting together the right strategies is what we are all about at Total Traffic and Conversion.
It’s teamwork that makes it happen the right way.
With the support of my collaboration team, I can tell you with complete confidence that you can get any of these things done and done well. We work together to create the best strategies for your business, and market for you effectively, so you can get back to doing what you do best, running your business.
Don’t spin your wheels and waste money on figuring out what to do by trial and error. Book some time with us and let’s figure out what to do, and let’s do it. Your business can flourish with the right support. We’re here to make that happen.
In this episode, Greg Dixon, Roy Dickan, and Betty Withrow discuss how writing a book and integrated marketing can help you grow your business, be it a chicken coop empire or anything else.
Learn how to gain authority, credibility, and success with their advice and experience.
Writing a book can help increase your authority in the marketplace and helps boost your credibility.
A book can be a great marketing tool and can be used to promote various aspects of your business, such as press releases, blog posts, and other online content.
Google rewards authorities with free traffic, and establishing a Google business profile can help you gain more exposure in your niche.
Creating a marketing plan that includes a book, website, and online course can help grow your business and reach new customers.
A well-thought-out marketing wheel can be customized to your specific needs and goals, and the Total Traffic and Conversion team is ready to help and assist in any way they can.
Book Publishing + Integrated Marketing + Google = Massive Success
What do you want to put out into the world?
Products? Courses? Services? Books?
All of the above?
We can help you clarify your plan and create a launch plan.
Get ready for our newest episode that is sure to make you think twice about your branding strategy. Our expert guests, Betty Withrow and Roy Dickan from Niche Domination, discuss the correlation between your brand and your niche.
They share some amazing insights on defining your niche and creating branding messaging that truly resonates with your audience. Plus, they offer some valuable tips on making your solutions affordable and establishing a connection with customers.
If you’re ready to take your brand to the next level, then you can’t afford to miss this episode!
Use code FreeReview for a free Online Effectiveness Review.
Well, happy Friday everyone. My name is Greg Dixon. I’m here with Betty Withrow and Roy Dickan for Total Traffic and Conversion.
Today we’re going to talk about your brand and your niche. And Betty just posted something recently about it.
So I’ll let you kick this off. Okay. Yes, I posted an article which you can find on our site as well as on the Total Traffic and Conversion LinkedIn, and you can follow us on LinkedIn.
But what I have to say here is that your brand is not your logo. It is not your storefront. It’s not anything like that.
Your brand is actually you. What is it that you are conveying to the customer about the value that you can provide with your goods or services? And everything that you do contributes to your branding in some way or another. Having images that support the feeling that you want your brand to create is an important piece of messaging when you’re doing online or any other kind of marketing. And even more important than that is how do you speak about what it is that you do?
Who do you talk to about what you do? And what do you do to connect with the actual concerns that your audience has? And what problem are you going to solve for them? All of this is contained within your brand.
And the reason why this broadcast is called Your Brand and Your Niche is because that contributes directly to your need.
Once you define and understand your brand, then you’re a long way towards understanding what your niche is and vice versa.
Once you’ve defined who you serve, what’s your target market, what do you provide for them and so on, then you can reverse engineer it back into your branding and then go back into your niche.
Go back and forth until you’ve really got it nailed down. And Roy is the guy who can work with you to boost your niche marketing online so that you become what I like to call the only choice in your market. You’re not the best choice.
You’re the only choice.
When people look at all the things you offer, going with you is absolutely a no-brainer. They need to do that. And they know it by the time they even get to your site. They even get to your site. And so there’s no better person to talk about niche than Roy from Niche Domination.
So maybe you can elaborate on what Betty said there, Roy.
Sure. Yeah. Well, your niche is definitely you. Well, I think a good approach is, and what I have done and what I recommend a lot of times, is that your solution is what you develop a lasting impression about.
And you sum it up into a couple of words, like, my solution is niche domination. Just two words. And then I try to make it visual. And then from there, I expand it out. So whenever I talk about it, I’m talking about niche domination.
So everything is Niche Domination. It’s almost, people might remember niche domination more than they even remember Roy Dickan.
And that’s fine. Eventually, they’re going to put the two of them together, because that’s my brand. And I think a solution is what people are always seeking. So when your brand really is a solution that they are looking for, then they’re really going to remember it. And it’s going to be easy for them to tell other people about it as well. So I like to take it beyond what most people think about as brand and actually brand your solution.
Yeah. Perfect. Okay, Betty, what do you want to add?
Well, yeah, that’s another part of what I wrote about is, what is your solution? Are you providing fast results?
Are you providing in-depth analysis of what your customers and clients need? Are you providing personal service?
Are you focused on efficiency?
All those things fit into your brand messaging. And as Roy was pointing out, what is your niche? What is the most effective way for you to position your messaging within the marketplace?
Yeah, so when people see your logo, and your logo for your brand might be different than the logo for your business, or they hear the words, or they hear your name, if that all becomes kind of one thing, and then when you tell your story, you’re talking about that as well, then to me, that’s really, you know, making the brand come to life.
Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
So we, Betty kind of talked about it, I think her process is when she starts working with a client is to figure out what their brand and what their niche is.
Because not everybody knows, sometimes people come to us and they have a perfectly good idea about everything they want.
And they’ve got a clear path to it, but that’s not always the case. And as you said, it’s a bit of a going back process, you know, figure out your niche, figure out your brand, go back, refine one, go back, find the other.
And our Total Traffic and Conversion thing is we try to get all those pieces to work together. So that it looks like you have a brand when you’re presenting in a networking group and your LinkedIn profile and your website and YouTube channel and all these other weird and wonderful things that you might be doing.
So it’s consistent.
So do you guys want to talk a bit about how we get people there? Yeah, I can address that. I feel like your brand in a lot of cases is how do you make your customers feel?
And so I like to get into that, you know, does your customer feel like, oh, yeah, showed up on time, did exactly what was requested, beat the deadline, all those types of things.
But that may not be what your process is. That might be something else entirely. So what I would like to do with a business owner is just have a conversation about what it is that they promise to their people. How do they deliver that? What is their best angle to present their services or their goods?
And then work to refine that so that it’s crystal clear to the customer exactly what they’re going to experience when they work with you. Because even more than a product or a service, they’re purchasing experience. They want to know that when they give you their money, you’re going to give them what they need. And that experience being seamless and building a power of trust and everything is actually the essence of a brand. There’s been quite a bit of stuff in the news lately about certain brands and the problems that they’re having because they misunderstood the needs of their market. I
t’s not even about the product.
It’s about the feeling of community that their product did not provide for the people who have been their consistent customers based on messaging that wasn’t, it just wasn’t ringing the bell for the people who were at the cash register.
Let’s say it that way. And so what you really want is to be with your customers where they are.
And so the way I do that is I ask people who’s buying your things, what is it that they really need from you?
And how do we make sure that there’s a clear pathway to get there?
I use a three-step process that I use in everything that I do, whether it’s your video scripting, your blog, whatever, to use the three things. I call them the Three Golden Apples, language, choice, and outcomes. The language of your market is the language of your brand.
The choice is you being so well equipped to understand the language of your market that you communicate with your market very, very, very effectively. And the outcomes are what is it that your customer experience is going to be? You know, a high-quality experience, something that makes them feel really good about themselves because they were smart enough to choose you, all this type of thing.
So all of those things go into the brand messaging. And then the team and I, our team, which is all of us, work together to figure out what’s the best strategy to deliver those things into the marketplace and what’s going to be most effective for you in reaching the people who need to know about you.
Yeah, that’s great. And I want to take that a step back. If you’re just starting your company or it’s relatively new and it doesn’t have the sales that you really want yet, so it’s really hasn’t really taken off yet, what you want to do is make sure that the niche you’ve selected is the right one for you. Before you even develop the solution and before you start branding the solution or branding the niche or branding yourself, whatever you’re going to do, make sure that the niche is something where you can provide a solution that is really impactful, that people really want.
But then make sure that the niche also has the money to buy that solution, because if they can’t buy it, they may want it, but there’s nothing that’s ever going to work out for them or for you if it’s unaffordable for them. So your niche has to have the right money in the hands of the people, or they have to be able to borrow it if it’s a lot.
And they can, they’ve got the resources to do that so that they can actually afford your solution. Once you have an affordable niche, a niche that has a big demand, and you now have a solution for that demand, a solution for that big problem, that’s when I think it’s really the time to really establish your brand, because now you’ve got, you know that when you have a solution that can be afforded and that it can do a good job for people, when they find out about it, they want to move forward. So you’ve done all the background work.
Now create the branding so that when they find out about you, they remember you visually with the wording, with the thoughts, and then you can prove yourself with the showing up on time, doing everything you say you’re going to do. And that all put together becomes your brand.
Yeah, that’s really good, Roy.
Right, because if they can’t afford it, then nobody’s happy about it. They’re going to be very upset because now they can see they’re way out of their problem, but they can’t afford to get it. So they may be more upset than ever. True, true. Yeah. So having good payment options for people is good too. Y
es, yes. Yeah, Betty and I have had a conversation that says we’ll take money anyway. You know, Stripe, Square, PayPal, hot air balloons with money strapped to it. You know, we want to make it easy.
Yes, all of the above. Minimize the friction. Right, minimizing the friction, but also as Roy pointed out, making sure you have affordable solutions.
Sometimes there’s somebody who simply cannot yet afford your top-value offer. You know, however, if you have something that is affordable for them as a first step, then you’re showing that you’re beginning to provide solutions for them and giving them a pathway to greater success because what you’re doing for them is going to make them more able to afford your higher-level services.
And you’re keeping them engaged with you in the process. They feel like you understand them and they can get to those three critical words of know, like, and trust you so that you have an ongoing relationship rather than a single sale.
You know, I’ve worked with business coaches who are like, just go for the high level and, you know, like charge onto the moon. Well, not everybody can go to the moon right now. Okay, so give them something that they can afford that’s going to solve at least one problem for them. And you’ve got them in the loop, so to speak.
And you’re a service-oriented person rather than somebody who’s just grasping for a sale.
Oh, that is excellent advice. Yeah, because once they can afford something, even if it’s your lowest price item that you’ve got, if it gets them a little closer to where they want to go and once they purchase it, two things happen.
One, if it works for them, they’re really happy about that and they’re getting closer to where they want to go.
But also the whole relationship between you and your customer now is totally changed from when they were a prospect.
Now they’re a customer. Now it’s much easier for them to want to buy from you again, when you’ve already provided some movement toward the path that they want to go down to get to the solution that, you know, they’re a big solution.
They’re maybe five years, 10 years down the road, but if they take a step toward that, that relationship is totally changed.
Yeah, that’s great. Yeah.
So speaking of first steps and affordable options, we have a special offer.
Betty and Roy and I offer an effectiveness review.
Basically we sit down and figure out where you are, where you want to go and, you know, what steps there are. And normally we charge a nominal fee for that, but I put a coupon in the chat and called free review. And so for the affordable price of free, you can sit down with the three of us and we can take a look at, you know, what you’re doing.
We started this with taking a look at people’s online presence, but it all goes into the branding and the messaging all across everything from website to social media to what other campaigns are.
And again, as that could lead to, we can give you some advice that might help you put, you know, help you make choices for your future, or you could choose to work with us and we hope you work for us for the 10 years that Roy was talking about. S
o yeah. And we can, we always look at what’s appropriate for you, what’s the best solution for you and the people you’re trying to serve. The longer you can be with us, probably the better it’ll be.
But if we can just take you, you know, toward where you want to go, you know, we’re happy with that. We love helping entrepreneurs. We love helping businesses of all sizes. And I don’t want to tell you how many years we’ve got between us or added up, but it’s a lot. And so we’ve been there for a long time.
We want you to take advantage of our experience. Yeah, that’s perfect. I put a QR code up on the top here. You hold your phone there and go to the website to go to And then there’s an effectiveness that’s on the menu as effectiveness.
And I also put the link, direct link into the chat. So do we have any questions from our audience today?
Any last comments from Betty and Roy here? Other than just do it.
Get three for free. That’s what came up.
Three for free.
I should have had a banner for that. I just thought of it just this minute. Say we brand it now. Yeah. It’s part of our brand, right? Yeah, it’s part of our brand. Three for free. That’s how the creative process works. I sit down with you. I listen to you. I let it kind of kick around in the back of my mind for a while.
And then something pops up and says, this will take it to where it needs to go with words or it starts with concepts and then it moves into words. And it’s a living process. Yeah. And we’re finding with our collaboration with us and then also our clients too, we’re all sort of putting our heads together and what’s the best thing to do and what’s the next best step.
And so it’s all better with the more people giving a different perspective on it, the better the overall effect is. Indeed.
Yeah. Yeah. What I like to say just in closing here is that when one of us offers a solution, it’s good.
When two of us offers it, the same solution or a different solution, of course, is a better solution. But when three of us come together on creating that solution and implementing that solution, it’s dramatically better.
And so this is what we can bring to you.
Please take advantage of our three for free. And let’s get to know each other. And I think you brought something up.
We don’t just give you advice about what to do. We help you make it real. We help to implement it and make it happen.
So yeah, please follow the link, book an appointment. And we’re all on LinkedIn, so you can reach out on LinkedIn and chat with us.
And we’re open to collaborating as well. And even with our clients, we think of it as a collaboration, not just a client service.
Yeah, absolutely. It’s teamwork at its best. In the service that I provide, I really want to get into your head, into your vibe, your brand.
So I like to say that I write as you, not for you.
That’s the objective for me, is to create something for you that’s so you that when your husband reads it, he goes, that’s a great post, honey.
And then you have to confess, that’s happened before. And I love it when I hear that story. Yeah. Okay. Well, thank you very much for joining us on Friday.
And I know you really love this little video, so we’ll play it again way out. This is so much fun. Here we are. Bye. Have a great weekend. Yeah, have a great weekend.
The very first question I ask when we’re talking about a project is “What do you want this to do?” It’s easy to get stuck on the form of things, but the function is really the crux of the matter. Once we have identified the exact purpose of your project, we can begin to design the structure.
My brand is called the Writer’s Launchpad for more than one reason. I have a number of rocket scientists in my family, and I like the way that aerodynamics and writing share so many characteristics, so I got into the metaphor.
For example, the payload corresponds to the question above. What is the purpose of this mission? How are we going to get that message to where it wants to go? And most important, what do we want it to do when it gets there?
When we know the answers to those questions, we can begin making up the process to get it to happen. My father worked in different aspects of rocket work, and one of the things he did was to design gantries to support the rockets before liftoff. The gantry is only one part of the process, an essential one until that one moment of liftoff. Once the rocket leaves the surface, the gantry falls away and it’s no longer part of the process. It’s all about the payload. As the message moves forward, it is focused on the outcomes, not the process.
We never forget the mission, that is, the outcome, as we design the process. Who do you want to reach? How do you want them to realize your message? And what will they gain from your message? These three questions are the basis of everything else.
So, it’s not about the launchpad, it’s not about the rocket. It’s about the payload.
How do we make your message resonate with your audience after it’s received? How do we make it the one that motivates them to take that specific action that you have stated when you answered that question? That’s the process I go through with you when we work together.
“What do you want this to do?” Book, blog, article, personal presentation, each has a place in the mission to create your business success.
Understanding what your desired outcome is makes designing that success a simple and elegant process.
Heading into the Great Space means getting ready for unlimited opportunities. Know where you are going before you take off, and we’ll get you there.
My teachers in school used to tell me great truths, in small bites. I loved having these little sayings to reflect on. I guess it was because the real truths are so simple. The more complicated written ideas get, the easier it is to have them go down the wrong path.
My rhetoric mentor, Mrs. Shelby, had a way of keeping us on track and not letting us get stuck in our own ideas. There was constant reading, writing, and discussions about ideas in her classroom. No sloppy thinking or writing was tolerated. I used to wonder how she got through so many assignments each night, as ruthless as she was in pointing out any weak points in a paper. We were required to read from magazines and periodicals, write up a paper based on the article, and make comments about what we had read, stating a position about the topic of the day. If you didn’t have a good reasoning process involved in your argument, you were in trouble. That blue pencil could put me in tears, and sometimes it did.
She held us to a high standard, and she told us certain things every time we were in a discussion.
My favorite one of all is this one: “Truth lies in fine distinctions.”
When you think about the way life really works, this one saying can take you through an awful lot. Situations that at first glance seem cut and dried can take on new dimensions when you are ready to take a nuanced approach and see more sides of them. You find that your own point of view evolves as you examine the factors that led to things being the way they are. And you start to see that the way they appeared at first is only one part of the story. How did that person find that they believed they needed to do that certain thing in that certain way? What led this process or that to the point where conditions evolved or devolved to create the situation that we see now?
It does make a difference, the way you frame the question. The way the question is framed determines what range of possibilities you are ready to entertain. What more evidence are you ready to consider? Whose point of view is valued more than another person’s, and why? How can you change your point of view to learn more and find a deeper truth that is hidden by appearances?
These questions are at the heart of writing, and they are at the heart of the work I do with writers. When I am working on a life narrative, or a work of fiction, I look deep into what motivated the characters. In a business book, I want to know all about the processes we are describing so that I can support the author, or write the book for that busy executive. Truth lies in fine distinctions.
It’s the subtle differences in the way we frame the questions that reveal the realities of life.
As a writing coach, editor, and ghost writer, I find it fascinating how ideas evolve during our processes.
If you’d like to know more about what I do and how I do it, use my schedule link to set a time for a complimentary consultation and see if we are a good fit for each other.
“Gee, it’s been a long time. Oh, you’re wondering about that idea we discussed? Actually, I did put that project together (with someone else).” These are words you don’t want to hear, as a business owner. What if, instead, you heard “Oh, it’s great to hear from you! I was just thinking about the last time we talked, and I have an idea. I’m so glad you called/emailed/texted.” Two completely different ways for a conversation to begin.
Of course, you want people to remember you…and yet you don’t want to bug them. At least, that’s the thing you tell yourself that stops you from reaching out. Is it too soon? Is it too late? Both of these ideas are actually excuses. There are other ways to look at this.
I wrote a book about excuses called “The Essential Excuse Handbook: 77 Ways to Keep From Doing Anything At All.” (It’s on Amazon.) In it, I discuss all the different “reasons” people have for not writing their books, and in fact these same excuses apply to literally Anything At All, including getting in touch with people for business conversations. How is business done? By connections, of course. How to keep them lively and productive? By staying in touch.
Here is Excuse #23: “It’s too soon.”
You are scared! That’s why you think it’s too soon. It may actually be a little early, yet it is not too early to begin planning. Even though as Eisenhower said, “Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable”, you can use the time to observe and make mental experiments. By observing what’s happening for that person and their company, you can add value to the next conversation. It shows you care. That’s planning, keeping the possibilities open so that plans can appear.
There is no ideal time for anything, so ask yourself again, “What makes me think it’s too soon?” Think of the interval as a time for planning.
Then there’s Excuse #24: “It’s too late.”
That’s regret, one of the greatest burdens in life. Drop it! Think about the knowledge you gained the last time you contacted the person, about their style, their values, their needs. Is it really too late? Maybe, or maybe not. How will you know if you don’t reach out? If it truly is too late for that person, then think of another person or company, use what you learned, and start over. It’s never too late to start over.
Here’s the antidote for all of it: to be the person that people are glad to see, happy to hear from. Reach out with curiosity, not from need. Be ready to learn from every conversation. Think carefully, and don’t overthink it. Listen to your intuition and your gut feelings and find the balance. When in doubt, go ahead and reach out.
And, that next time you reach out could be the one where that person says, “Thanks so much for staying in touch, it means so much to me.”