In our human tendency to make simple things complex, we overlook the following fact.

For Example:
Taylor Swift Concert Tickets
Buy Now
Over the years I have generated the most sales with a page with a few sentences and a button or link.
- Knotty Garden Twine (non-slip nylon twine in a convenient spool for gardeners)
- How To Coach Baseball To Kids (VHS and DVD)
- Rocket Norton: Lost In Space (Book)
- The Mind Map Book (Review with an affiliate link to Amazon)
- The Tao of Pooh (Review with an affiliate link to Amazon)
- The Woman In Black (Stage Production)
- F**K Cancer Concert (Fundraising Concert)
I wrote the reviews on a whim in about half an hour each and generated thousands of dollars in affiliate commissions over the years (harder to do now).
The Knotty Twine order form used Javascript to calculate price and shipping based on quantity. A day maybe.
The other pages were a few hours.
I rarely did anything to promote beyond paying attention to the title and description for Search Engine Optimization. People found the page and bought it, sometimes because other people put links to my pages.
A little paid advertising could have blown up sales if I were paying more attention!
Do People Want What You Are Offering?
Often we don’t ask ourselves that question and instead get wrapped up with reasons like:
- It is something important for me to create.
- People need it.
- If I build it, they will come.
Need Versus Want
We have sometimes not paid enough attention to people wanting what we offer.
Sometimes we know people need it.
But maybe they won’t want to think about it or look for a solution until they absolutely have to.
Online courses and memberships can be an area where we confuse people needing what we offer translating to people wanting to buy.
Prooving A Market
We and most people encouraging the creation of courses, memberships, and products urge people to determine if there is an interest in the offer.
That involves creating a minimal viable product and putting it out there.
A $1 offer for a membership is a good test. If people will not try for a dollar, there may not be interest in the offer.
Adjusting The Product And Offer
Sometimes it is a matter of recasting the product and presenting in a different way.
You can split-test this by positioning the product in different ways to see what resonates with the market.
Creating Awareness And Interest
Now that we have established something that people want to buy, we can apply our vast range of Integrated Marketing strategies and implementations to get the offer out there and make sales.
Our Total Traffic and Conversion team can help you test the viability and get the offer out to the people who want what you offer.