Greg Dixon describes the basic Kartra configuration for marketing and how it becomes the hub for a comprehensive marketing strategy using email, blog posts, social media posts, YouTube, and more.

This approach also applies to other business platforms like ClickFunnels, Keap, GoHighLevel, and Kajabi.

Getting Ready to Receive

Creating landing pages, calendars, opt-in forms and sequences as described in the sections below is getting ready to receive and convert traffic.

With those Kartra components in place, you can use this strategy to drive traffic to your landing pages:

What is Your Golden Offer?

It all starts with your Golden Offer. What is your business goal?

  • Attract Investors?
  • Clients for your coaching programs?
  • Products and services?

Clarifying what you offer and who would want it will help shape your marketing messaging when implementing the components and strategies discussed here.

The clients I had in mind when creating the video are real estate investors primarily interested in attracting private lenders or people wanting to purchase mortgage notes.

The advice applies to all businesses with enough return on investment for the time and costs of marketing using Kartra and other business platforms.

Essential Kartra Configuration

Here are the first things to do when setting up Kartra for a business.

You can run multiple companies from the same Kartra account.

Home Page / Landing Page

Kartra is capable of providing an entire gorgeous converting website or a series of landing pages that can be accessed on their own or embedded in WordPress or other websites.

Here is a common model that you will employ for your offers:

  1. Landing Page with Offer
  2. Button to Sign Up
  3. Thank You Page

Both the Landing Page and the Thank You Page can have videos and a Calendar Button.

The Landing Page can have additional offers.

Custom Domain

You will need to connect your Kartra account to a domain registered at a registrar such as Namecheap, BlueHost, or GoDaddy.

The configuration page is on the account menu on the top right of the Kartra Dashboard.

Kartra provides detailed instructions as you add a domain. I can help you with that.

Business Email Address

Kartra will not allow you to send email with a free email address from services like GMail and Yahoo as the sender address.

I recommend registering your domain at a service like Namecheap that includes free email forwarding.

KartraMail DKIM

Kartra strongly recommends configuring the sender domain name for DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) email authentication to help with deliverability.

This involves adding CNAME records for your domain and can be quirky with certain registrars. Complete the other setup steps first.

Calendar Button

The main call to action for many of you will be to book an appointment to discuss your offer.

Kartra has a sophisticated calendar system or you can link a button to a calendar system you are using now such as Calendly.

The advantage of the Kartra Calendar is that you can configure intake questions, assign sequences, and add people to lists and email sequences.

The most powerful thing a platform like Kartra can do for your business is build your mailing list.

Email Sequence Opt-In

One of the main reasons for using Kartra or another business platform is to subscribe people to an email sequence designed to intrigue, attract, and inform your ideal clients and collaborators.

You will need the following:

  1. One or more email sequences.
  2. An Opt-in Form
  3. A button linked to the Opt-In form

Writing an Email Sequence

The first step is to write the content for the email series.

I recommend creating a Google Drive folder with a Google Doc containing the Subject Line, Content, Call to Action, and Signature Line for each email.

Kartra supports A/B testing alternative Subject Lines.

You can share the document with your business coach, copywriter, and editor to refine the copy before adding a Kartra Sequence.

The most effective emails will be written in your voice and represent your expertise. You can use AI and writers to assist or personalize template text provided by your business coach.

Creating a Sequence in Kartra

The Sequence builder in Kartra is very sophisticated and powerful. That also means that there are a lot of options and steps.

You will find the Sequence editor under Communications.

Email Broadcasts

In addition to sending email sequences, you can send frequent emails with information, offer, and invitations.

Dave Dee, Dan Kennedy, and many others who make a lot of money through email marketing send an email every day.

I recommend sending at least one email a week to your mailing list.

They can be short with a Call to Action, such as visiting your landing page or making an appointment with you.

My Comprehensive Services

I can help you with everything listed above plus writing, video, audio, webinar, online course creation, book creation and publishing, and other things you may need for success.