Today we are talking about using advertising to boost connections and sales with guest, Joe Mendez.

A good ad campaign that drives traffic to an offer that converts can become an incredible cash machine.
Our guest, Joe Mendez, has an intriguing advertising platform to try where you only pay for results.
Before you do any advertising, you need to be able to receive clients.
By that, I mean that you need to have a product or service that people are willing to pay for presented compellingly.
Our Total Traffic and Conversion Way lays a framework for success for comprehensive traffic-generating strategies, including:
- A compelling search engine-friendly website featuring the main offer you would advertise.
- Strong social media and YouTube profiles.
- Mailing list.
- Campaign to send email and post regularly.
- Networking
- Connecting with influencers, and referrers.
- Speaking on stages and broadcasts (podcasts, streams, radio, television)
- Publicity
Advertising can accelerate your success and light up sales fast.
Here are some places to advertise:
- Facebook and other social media ads.
- Google and YouTube ads.
- Print media.
- Radio and Television.
- Apps and Games
- …
Our Total Traffic and Conversion team members have had experience and success with some of these advertising platforms.
It is also possible to spend a lot of money with near zero results if you do not have something people will buy, are not ready to receive, or put money and time into the wrong advertising campaigns for your business.
Our guest, Joe Mendez, has a lot of experience in the advertising industry and has a platform called perkpay that only charges its members for advertising that generates sales.